Here's where you should have your next simcha!
The Venue at the Jewish Life Centre has quickly become a popular destination for Brisses, engagements, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and other simchos and functions.
Situated centrally in the quiet of Strathavon, The Venue at the JLC is quick to access off the M1, which means it's not far from any Jewish neighbourhood.
Our hall can host 180 people seated at tables, with a small dance floor. This open, airy venue feels modern. You get to paint the atmosphere you choose for your simcha on the simplistic canvas of our hall.
Please note: As an Orthodox Jewish institution, the Jewish Life Centre only allows functions that are Mehadrin kosher, do not have mixed dancing or female vocalists and are organised in a manner that does not break Shabbos. For further details and the to read the full Terms of Use, please click here .
Call Tanya at our office, 011 326 6492.
Click here to book a weekday function.
Click here to book a Shabbos function.
Use this form to apply for Rabbi Shishler to marry you.
Check availability of the hall below: